300 Waimanu Road, Suva swcu2016@gmail.com

  • 300 Waimanu Rd, P O Box 1405, Suva, Fiji Islands
  • swcu2016@gmail.com
  • +679 7730 445

Service Worker Credit Union News


14th June, 2021


From:    Secretary Treasurer

To:         All SWCU Members


Dear Members,

Greetings from the SWCU Board & Staff.

No doubt, Members are aware by now, that government (MOH) has declared COVID19 restrictions on all operations and meetings classified as non-essential due to worsening coronavirus infections in the country. Consequently, SWCU was forced to close its operations like other organizations from mid-April 2021.A situation that has seriously affected our members. As a backdrop and under the provisions of the Credit Union Act and our Supplementary By-Laws the SWCU Credit Committee is charged with the responsibility to meet together as a three (3) member team every Wednesday to approve all loans depending on the eligibility of members. However, the Committee is restrained to meet due to the pandemic restrictions. Therefore, approval and disbursements of loans to members are on hold indefinitely until the restrictions are uplifted.

On Friday 11th June the Administration Officer, Mrs Singh received a reply to her application on behalf of SWCU from MCTTT COVID Pass Team, clearly informing her “that business for normal operations is to remain closed.” A copy of the MCTTT reply is recorded and filed as a documentary evidence for those seeking the reason for the closure of the SWCU operations. The SWCU Board assures the members that as soon as the struggle with the pandemic is overcome and restrictions are uplifted, members will be able to obtain loans in the usual manner.

Additionally, the Board is pleased, to inform the members about the progress made on the new Software as planned. However, to continue with achievements gained so far, it is earnestly requested from the members to send their Bank Account details so that when SWCU operations are back on track, loans granted to members could be directly deposited into their bank accounts.


(1) Members will be sent their USER NAME and temporary PASSWORD so that they can create their permanent PASSWORD.

(2) Members will now be able to log into the SWCU Portal and view their Statement of Accounts.

(3) Cheques from now onwards will be printed by the Software (Business Central) instead of being manually generated through Excel.

(4) Financial transactions have also been fully computerized.

Finally, the Board humbly sympathises with the inability of the members to source loans for their needs at this difficult time. It also sincerely hopes that Fiji’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic will soon be over so that life for everyone could return to normal.

The Board prays for all our members to stay safe and healthy.


R Singh
Secretary Treasurer.

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